The boards offered for sale are original artworks taken from the personal collection inherited from my father,
Frank Hampson.
A certificate of authenticity can be provided.
A limited number of boards will be shown at any one time but fresh ones may be added to take their place, so if
you're interested, it may be worth keeping an eye on the website.
Please let me know if you have anything you are especially hoping to track down and I'll see if I can help.
The work shown will include boards from the Venus story, the first Dan Dare strip, together with Ladybird and
other less well known Frank Hampson artwork.
There will also be occasional items of Dan Dare and Eagle ephemera available to purchase.
We have almost the entire run of Road of Courage boards and will show some of the images from this
collection in the Gallery.
Artwork for Sale
Click here for original Ladybird Artwork
The Official Frank Hampson Website
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Click here for original Dan Dare Artwork